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Get to know

Dr. Hans Jacobs

Finished his orthopaedic specialist training in 2016 and did a fellowship in hip and knee surgery in Sydney Australia in 2017. He currently lectures at the University of Pretoria and he is a consultant in Arthroplasty and Sports medicine at Steve Biko Academic Hospital.
He also practises privately at Life Faerie Glen Hospital in Pretoria.

Please feel free to refer any patients to him for further management or phone for advice.

Please inform us if you would like Dr. Jacobs to come and introduce himself.

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Dr. Hans Jacobs

Spesialiseer in heup and knievervangingschirurgie asook knieligament rekonstruksie.

Dr. Jacobs het sy ortopediese studies in 2016 voltooi en in 2017 n fellowship in heup en kniechirurgie in Sydney Australie gaan doen. Sedert hy terug is is hy n senior lektor by die Universiteit Pretoria asook n konsultant in Vervangings en Sportmedisyne by Steve Biko Akademiese Hospitaal.

Hy is ook in privaatpraktyk by Life Faerie Glen Hospitaal in Pretoria.

Voel asb vry om enige pasiente te verwys of selfs net te bel vir advies. Dr. Hans Jacobs specialises in hip and knee replacement and ligament reconstruction surgery.

Laat weet asb indien Dr. Jacobs homself kan kom voorstel. 

Suffering from knee pain?

This innovative total knee implant was designed to deliver maximum functional stability with the goal of increasing TKA patient satisfaction during activities of daily living and decreasing post-operative knee pain. Design features enabled enhanced stability, replicates natural lateralised patellar tracking, and accommodates patient-specific kinematics.

What is osteoarthritis?

The anterior approach is the only approach that follows both an intermuscular and internervous path, potentially reducing the risk of damage to periarticular structures, including muscles, tendons, vessels and nerves. Potentially delivering patient-valued early outcomes such as faster mobilisation, reduced pain and shorter hospitalisation, this approach is supported by a full system of implants, instruments and training protocols.